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North Umpqua Fish Count Initiated

Hundreds of fish have been arriving and departing on time at Winchester dam with no delay over the past several days. Our AI-assisted fish count system has been keeping track of every fish swimming (not flying) through the fishway 24/7 and recording the actual number of coho, chinook, steelhead, and suckers passing upstream with no observed impediment or barrier. In a recent 1-hour period, 149 fish were counted (over 2 fish per minute). Another hourly count was 99 fish. There was a 24-hour period when 683 fish passed upstream throughout the day and night hours. Coho are the featured species this month as well over 2000 have already migrated into the North Umpqua River to spawn later this fall. Stay tuned for continued updated actual counts on a regular basis over the next several weeks.